Following an Indian tradition that invites men to abandon their houses and live in the forest at the age of sixty, I put myself in the spirit of living a new stage of my life to experience a deeper union with God and make Job’s cry my own. (Job 42:5) “ I had heard of you by word of mouth, but now my eyes have seen you.” Moved by the same spirit, Al-Gazali, a great Muslim Sufi scholar of the 12th century, decided to leave his career to have a “taste of mGod”. We normally experience transitions in our life as invitations for growth and change. Some become more attached to the world; others make a lot of effort to appear younger than their age; others try to consolidate their power; while some become vulnerable to depression and sadness. On my part, at sixty six, I feel a profound peace, accepting my growing physical limitations and waning strength with a realistic attitude. I know this is a great time to prepare myself for the great encounter with the Lord – the eternal dialogue!…
Call to a Dream…