Today   we  are witnessing the  reality of  the climate change  and in  many parts of the world  there are  initiatives taking  different  steps to answer to this reality.

 Reading these signs of the  times  the  Catholic Church  now  is celebrating the  “Synod of Amazon”   facing different  issues,  but the most important one is the new path  of  Dialogue  with Creation.

The Synod of Bishops was established by St Paul VI on 15th  September 1965. Its formation took place in the context of the Second Vatican Council . Over the years the synodal norms have undergone successive improvements.  Recently Pope Francis, with the Apostolic Constitution Episcopalis communio (September 15th  2018), has profoundly renewed the Synod of Bishops, inserting it within the framework of synodality as a constitutive dimension of the Church, at all levels of her existence.

The Synod is understood as a process composed of three parts: the preparatory phase, in which the consultation of the People of God on the themes indicated by the Roman Pontiff takes place; the celebratory phase, characterized by the meeting of the assembly of Bishops; and the implementation phase, in which the conclusions of the Synod, once approved by the Roman Pontiff, are accepted by the local churches. We are now on the Celebratory phase.

Pope Francis has convened a Special Synodal Assembly on the Pan-Amazon, indicating that the main objective is “to find new ways for the evangelization of that portion of the People of God, especially the indigenous, often forgotten and without a perspective of a good future, also for the cause of the crisis of the Amazonian forest, lung of fundamental importance for our planet”.

 These basic information  helps us to understand  how the Church  is moving  today on the path to Dialogue with Creation and  it  is very symbolic the name “ Synod of Amazon.” Starting from the  Amazon, the symbolic and real,  “ lung  of our planet,”  we are invited to see how urgent it is to give attention to the  important aspect of Dialogue with Creation  supported by the basic  principles of   religions and cultures. Guided by this  spirit  since  the  beginning  (1984) the  Silsilah Dialogue Movement has  given  a special attention to  the  four  pillars of dialogue that  are: Dialogue with God, Dialogue with the Self, Dialogue with Others and Dialogue with Creation.

The major steps,  part of our  commitment of Dialogue with creation have been,  for Silsilah, the protection  of the environment  in the area of Zamboanga  ( Mindanao)  fighting against mining groups  willing to enter  inside the    watersheds of Zamboanga. Different  activities have been done  along the  years,  including the  formation  of a   group of partners  called “Friends  of Zamboanga Watersheds Movement”. Today  we are moving toward another step that is the “ Dialogue with Creation Partners Movement.”  We believe   that this new step  has   a greater  opportunity to  gather   respected   leaders and groups who have  a  sincere commitment  to protect    the  common house, our mother earth. This can be considered  also   a form of  interreligious dialogue  because we believe that all religions  and cultures   are  united, in principle, to this  common interest.

  The   new  Dialogue with  Creation Partners  Movement  wishes to   answer to  common   issues  of  dialogue with creation  and in this new MOVEMENT  we  choose  as  regular members  those  who have proven   to be consistent in this  important mission. At the same time,  we invite as associate  members  agencies of the government,  institutions and NGOs  which have the same interests  convinced that also  agencies of the government and  other institutions, are  important  to share  their polices and  expertise,  part of  their responsibilities and duties,  in spite of  the internal dynamics related to  politics and  priorities of profit   that we   see in the process. At the same time the Dialogue with Creation Partners Movement  can  also influence their policies  and   directions    for the common good of  our “mother earth”.

Advocacy and other  forms of  partnership  will be  part of the mission  of this new movement. At the same time we  are convinced that each institution part of the  partners movement has to go on with their  priorities. Meanwhile, our PARTNERS MOVEMENT   has the mission to inspire all on the right direction.   

Guided by this   specific interest and mission  we  welcome the Synod of Amazon convinced that  solutions taken will  help  to create a new interest on dialogue with creation and to move with more determination to the  right  direction. 

We are convinced that   the Dialogue with Creation Partners Movement will benefit from this new initiative  of the Catholic Church and   encourages us to  continue to  search  for more  together with  those  who are committed to promote the common good from different  cultures and religions.

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