The Silsilah Dialogue Movement welcomes the month of Ramadan as a form of solidarity with the Muslim Umma in the Philippines and around the world.
Fasting, prayer and acts of charity are the basic points of the spirituality of Ramadan that people of different religions admire. This practice guides the Muslim Umma towards the “Great Jihad” (the struggle for the purification of the heart).
This annual event of Ramadan this year (2024) coincides with the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Silsilah Dialogue Movement. The spirituality of Silsilah is the spirituality of life-in-dialogue. Thus, Silsilah this year wishes to share a spiritual message of love with the Muslim Umma and all humanity. Love cannot grow if there is not a spirituality of deeper dialogue with God, ourselves, others and creation. This is what we call the spirituality of life-in-dialogue.
The concept of dialogue as an expression of love is what we try to live and share in many ways and we see that the spirit of Ramadan is a journey in this direction. Thus, while all religions have specific ways to fast, pray and do acts of charity, we need to be united in the central point of spirituality, which is LOVE.
In this critical time of history with calamities, climate change and signs of world war, we have to be united in the spirit of the month of Ramadan to reflect on what we can do together to be promoters of love in all aspects.
We believe that the Culture of Dialogue is the Path to Peace and real peace is nurtured by love. The world today must be united to overcome the many dramatic events of history, first of all the alarming reality of climate change. We are invited to reflect on what we can do to promote DIALOGUE WITH CREATION.
Members of different religious and non-religious groups in the Philippines promote World Interfaith Harmony Week (WIHW), an initiative launched by the United Nations in 2010 that focuses on the Love of God, Love of Neighbor and Love for the Common Good. On the occasion of the 2nd National Gathering of the WIHW Partners in April 2023, the partners have proposed to launch together a special week called “Dialogue with Creation Partners Week” to be celebrated every year, the first week of October.
Meanwhile, we are in solidarity with the Muslim Umma for their commitment to the month of Ramadan. We are all invited to reflect on the urgent need for a common commitment to protect MOTHER EARTH. Indeed, this is a common mission that we must do together. Basically, all the religions of the world agree on this common mission, which is a form of love for Mother Earth and a form of fasting from our egoism to respect CREATION.
Silsilah Dialogue Movement