Silsilah Calendar 2012 on its 2nd Decade of Dialogue and Peace | Jan 4, 2011

It has been a commitment for Silsilah Dialogue Movement to produce every year the Silsilah Calendar which was started

in the year 1992. From a simple calendar planner to an informative Gregorian and Hijrah calendar it has been very useful to Muslim and Christian community. Individuals, groups and institutions continue to request for it and they have appreciated much the calendar since it gives accurate information about the major Muslims and Christian celebrations for the year.

For the year 2012, the cover of the Silsilah Calendar highlighted the painting of Rameer Tawasil, a virtual artist from Mindanao. The Silsilah Calendar 2012 cover entitled, “The House of Peace” (Maaligay) is inspired by Silsilah’ concept of dialogue. The multi-faceted painting, Maaligay, symbolizes an offering of friendship and dialogue for peace. The painting illustrates the traditional art of the Sulu archipelago known as “ukkil” (curve or curvings) and the colors represent the different ethnic groups living harmoniously in the region. The roof of the house is shaped into a pyramid to symbolize the four corners representing North, South, East, and West protected by peace.

Inside the Silsilah Calendar 2012 shares information about the commitment made by the different religious leaders of the world during the celebration of A Day of Prayer for Peace in Assissi in 2011. The calendar also marked some of the Silsilah events and celebrations like the 25th Anniversary of Emmaus Dialogue Community on February 8, 2012. The Emmaus Dialogue Community was formed in 1987, is a group of lay Catholic single women consecrate their life for dialogue and peace as part of the Silsilah Dialogue Movement. Also, two of the major events in the life of the movement will be commemorated the 20th Death Anniversary of Fr. Salvatore Carzedda, PIME, who was brutally killed in 1992 in Zamboanga City; and the 28 years of Silsilah promoting dialogue and peace among Muslims, Christians and people of other living faith in Mindanao and the world.

Among the other interfaith initiatives in the Silsilah Calendar 2012 includes the celebration for the World InterFaith Harmony Week on February 1-7, 2012. The United Nations (UN) on October 20, 2012 recognizing the need for dialogue among different faiths and religions and their contribution for peace in the world, has

proclaimed the first week of February of every year the “World InterFaith Harmony Week” between all religions, faiths and beliefs. Activites for the week long celebrations will be observed in Zamboanga City and other areas in Mindanao initiated by the National Ulama Conference of the Philippines (NUCP) in partnership with Silsilah Dialogue Movement and other local groups and institutions.

The 2012 Silsilah Calendar is prepared by the Silsilah Media Center. The Hijrah calendar is calculated by Datu Amilpasa J. Sampang of the Kadatuan Foundation Inc. You may download a copy of the Silsilah Calendar at the official website of Silsilah (

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