How can we SERVE others and move in this pandemic situation?

We know that today one of the big problems is to remain healthy   physically but also spiritually and maintain  the MENTAL HEALTH.

Silsilah in this time of pandemic have been sharing different suggestions and even the  Silsilah Calendar  2022  present in the cover the message of WE SERVE with a slogan “Moving together with  Hope, Solidarity and Love”. (See the Silsilah Calendar 2022 here:

 Among the many reflections that we have received by  our members  attending our different activities, most of them online,  we  present here a reflection  for all in our Oasis News.

There are two salient points that I can relate to in the Second Episode of the 35th Silsilah Summer Course 2021.  First, on “presence is the essence of our mission”; and second, on the challenge of Pope Francis: “go to the periphery”. 

At this time of pandemic, where social distancing & no face to face engagements are important protocols to be followed, these two salient points I mentioned, seem to be impossible to do. But thinking from another perspective, “presence”, “mission” & “going to the periphery” can be very possible even at this time of pandemic. 

“Presence” bears a deeper meaning than just mere “literal physical presence”. Like the friends of the paralytic in the Gospel according to Mark (2:1-5), who found a way by digging a hole in the roof of the house where Jesus was healing  to let the paralytic come near to Jesus & be healed, I have to “dig a hole” also at this time of pandemic to find ways to recognize Jesus & become  His presence in my journey on the road to Emmaus of this world. 

“Going to the periphery” in this time of pandemic may mean I don’t need to go far but there are priority people who are at the margins that I failed to be more present and give mindful attention before like my family & my street neighbors.  I remember before, I dont even know the names of my neighbors. I did not have even the slightest time to talk and look eye to eye with my neighbors as I would always hurry to leave early for work and come home in the evening. It’s a shame on me to claim a spirituality of life-in-dialogue when people in close proximity, like my husband,  would say: “stop with your dialogue activities because I find your life getting inconsistent already”! It was a hurtful comment, with my ego it took me long to realize there’s sense in what my husband was saying. That’s why this pandemic allows a reset and brings order in my personal life in terms of what I supposedly embraced spirituality of life-in-dialogue. 

I can say that only in the lens of pure love and compassion borne out of the love and compassion of Jesus that I can be God’s presence among people especially to my family and neighbors. 

Slowly this time I am able to establish that very basic relationship of friendship with my neighbors and even with the vendors that go around our subdivision to sell their meager products to earn a livelihood during this time of pandemic. I find joy and meaning to share food and time and engage in friendship with them. We may be still physically distant from each other to follow the pandemic protocol but we are  starting to become more of a community rather than just a crowd like the way we were. 

If before I regarded my neighbors or the vendors according to their functionality, now they are my friends,  my sisters and brothers and we belong to one human family. 

Charity begins at home so I have to begin a mindful presence first at home with my family. Trying to enflesh the challenges of a life-in-dialogue, I learn to be more engaging with my family, and to other member of our household for example with our house helper. I am trying to be more understanding from their own perspective, and more mindful of their unspoken needs. I am becoming more tolerant over some mistakes and learn to correct or admonish lovingly. I am learning how to master my emotion, not to flare up immediately when my expectations are not  met. If before I was a very calculating person, always minding of the quantity of what I have given or done now I do anything out of love & compassion. I am learning to be more discreet and prudent to keep to myself what may hurt for people. 

In this way I can be “Jesus” to accompany them also in their journey. If before, to my family or to our house helper I was more of a “human doing” who was always concern of doing the household functions efficiently and expected everyone to be efficient in doing their tasks at home, “todaying today” as if there’s no tomorrow, now I am becoming more of a ” human being” who is more concern of good relationship than following rules and regulations to maintain my housekeeping standards. 

Moreover, unlike before, I now use social media responsibly to uplift & inspire people rather than to create or heighten hate, fear and hopelessness among people. I am trying to use my Facebook & messenger account when necessary as a platform for evangelization & catechesis. I am now using social media as a platform for dialogue and peace to inspire and animate people to support & share material and spiritual blessing especially in times of sorrows and pains. 

In every ministry or advocacy i will get involved this time this will always be a reminder: Be love-oriented not result oriented, otherwise i will be frustrated of not achieving any result. Nevertheless, despite the many difficulties and challenges  including sarcastic remarks, I should remain hopeful & courageous to continue in the journey of a life-in-dialogue. Though how limited are my physical presence ministry in this time of pandemic, my humble spiritual accompaniment can never be limited. 

In the grace of God I hope and pray to continue to be His presence  as I walk humbly on the road to Emmaus of this world… “Padayon!” 

Mercedita S. Tabuclin

Silsilah and Emmaus- Davao

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